When our oldest was potty training we spent most our time at home, but did travel a lot for doctor appointments and family visits. When I asked her to use the restroom before leaving I would always get the same reply... 'No, I can go at a gas station.' Umm... no!!! If there's a choice, it definitely won't be the gas station!! Lol She eventually out grew that thought process.
We recently finished potty training our middle child within the last few months. She's not as crazy about the gas station as her sister was, but she will use any excuse to use the restroom at Albertsons or at sisters school. I did make the mistake one time of telling her to wait 'just a few more minutes' while we made it through the check out line. She of course couldn't have timed it any better. Some issues came up and we spent WAY more time at the register than we should have. Unfortunately the restrooms were on the other side of the store so I assured her she could wait.... she couldn't. I felt horrible. Not embarrassed or ashamed that my child just had an accident in the checkout lane, but horrible because it was my fault. That's right, all my fault.

I've learned to listen to my children's needs a little more than my own. You will no longer find my daughters doing a potty dance in the check out lane but you will find us racing each other down the aisles to see who can get to the bathroom first.
I can't wait to see what our son has in store for us.
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