I've decided to call my kids Monkey, Little Monkey and you guessed it... Crazy monkey!! All they do I climb, climb, climb ALL day long.
I have a VERY open pantry that, to my kids, looks like a very welcoming climbing wall!! They are always hungry and always climbing to get snacks, or candy or just get away from little brother (Little Monkey). As seen in photo, I'm sure you can imagine why the bottom shelves are bare!! I cant keep them down from anything, even the brand new furniture.
Just this morning my 16 month old climbed on the couch to get the remote and turned on the TV and the Xbox because he wanted to watch something. Stop!!!! Rewind!!! Did I miss something? Did he skip a few months or years? He's not supposed to be doing that yet. He's very electronic savvy and its kind of intimidating. But climbing is his favorite, since its his newest learned talent.
I can't keep him off the kitchen table. He loves to push the dining chairs around the kitchen and climb up to get things off the counter. Last week I found him almost 4 feet off the ground standing on a book shelf. That one definitely topped the 'Scary Moments' list!
Crazy Monkey, the middle child, did the same thing when she was about 20 months old. I walked in the room to find her sitting on the edge of the shelf 4 feet up facing the wall. My heart stopped for a moment and I was beyond relieved that she didn't topple over. She was literally on the edge!!!
There is a silver lining in all of this though... because in the dead of winter when its -20 outside, theres no better jungle gym for my kids than in the comfort of our home. I cringe every time I see them off the floor, but I also remember that they are kids and that what they do. I cant stand over them forever.
There is a silver lining in all of this though... because in the dead of winter when its -20 outside, theres no better jungle gym for my kids than in the comfort of our home. I cringe every time I see them off the floor, but I also remember that they are kids and that what they do. I cant stand over them forever.